Wood Burning Stoves
Bunk Beds
Family 300 consist of 3 mayor projects and one of them is a wood burning stove that would last for no less than 20 years. These stove not only helps use less fire wood, lessen smoke inhalation but also warms there home! I saw the necessity one day when I went to visit a single mom with 4 kids and a baby on her back. She was cooking in a small room which was her kitchen with no ventilation and I saw the walls and roof were black and when I touched it it was a thick layer of soot. I realized that if her walls were that bad how bad their longs must be as well. As of today we have installed more than 40 of these wonderful stoves.
In small homes like most are here space is always a concern. Bunk beds make the perfect solution to this problem. The very best thing is no more sleeping in the floor or all sharing one bed!
One day I was walking and I asked a guy if I could visit him, he told me that I could. So the next day I went to see him and he introduce all his family, like 8 of them, but for me the place was to small for all of them so I asked him where everyone slept once he started to describe to me his situation and my heart hurt. Two of his kids slept in a piece of cardboard behind the door. So I decided that the second project for family 300 had to be bunk beds. Now I did not fix the space problem, but the sleeping accommodations got much better. I have a bad habit of never counting how many people God has helped, but this is one of many people that God has remembered.
Fix a home/build a kitchen
Majority of homes are made of tin roof material which can get holes over time and in rainy season that's the last thing a family needs, so this is a great way to help a family for many years.
This idea also came from pain as when I went to visit a lady in our church I realized she lived in a home that I had to crawl on my knees to get in and there was no real walls. She had lost her son and been left by her husband and was stuck in a difficult situation. By the grace of God she was able to receive a new home, one with walls and roof to keep her dry. Not just this but also she received a bed and a wood burning stove.
As I shared this sad news with you, our friends, I had a rapid response in donations to cover this lady with Gods love. I saw how when God's heart hurts so does His people.
Why to be a part of this?
Hillsong united has a song called, Hosanna, and there is a part of this song that I believe every Christian should understand, "heal my heart and make it clean open my eyes on the things unseen show me HOW TO LOVE like you have LOVED ME. break my heart from what BREAKS YOURS everything I am for your kingdom's cause as I walk from earth to eternity" I don't think God created us to suffer, to live in pain, or to be lost, but I do believe that when He sees one of his creations in pain His heart hurts. We His disciples, His reflection on this earth, have to do something for those in need. If I see and don't feel anything and don't do anything or ignore and make excuses. A question has to be made, am I a servant of the living God? Am I a reflection of his love? Am I an ambassador of his kingdom? I have to ask myself where are my fruits?
Matthew 7:17-20 "you will be known by your fruits."